Monday, January 4, 2016

Who's Got Your Back?

As the video below depicts, it is very difficult to apply sunscreen to your own back effectively. Don't be afraid to ask a friend or family for help.

A recent study conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology shows:

-37% of people rarely or never apply sunscreen to their back
-43% of people rarely or never ask someone else to help them apply sunscreen to their back
-Only 36% of people examine their back for signs of skin cancer at least once a year
-Only 35% or people ask someone else to help them examine hard-to-see areas of their skin for signs of skin cancer

Why is this important you might ask?

Sunscreen application and examination of the back are important because the back is THE most common area for diagnosed Melanomas.
Melanoma has a high cure rate and a good prognosis when detected early. However, research has shown that more advanced Melanomas are often on parts that can't be self-inspected.

So, who's got your back?

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