Tuesday, August 2, 2016

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition where the skin cells shed in days instead of weeks. It is caused by combination of a genetic trait that causes a quickened autoreactive immune response and exposure to specific external factors.  External factors such as infections, physical trauma, stress, and certain drugs (lithium, antimalarials, interferon, indomethacin, beta-blockers) can trigger a psoriasis flare. Psoriasis affects people from young to old, with a peak incidence around 22.5 years. 

Psoriasis can present in different ways. It very often affects the scalp, knees, elbows and lower back, but can also affect the buttocks, palms, soles, armpits, ears, groin, and nails. The two most common variants are chronic stable plaque psoriasis and acute guttate psoriasis, with the former presenting as large red plaques with silvery scale that can last for months, and the latter presenting as small pink or red scaly bumps that erupt suddenly and can spontaneously resolve. 10-25% of patients with psoriasis also have joint pains (psoriatic arthritis). The diagnosis of psoriasis is often made clinically, but a skin biopsy may be done to confirm the diagnosis.

There are many treatments for psoriasis, including phototherapy, topical medications, and systemic medications. Phototherapy involves exposing affected areas to artificial UVB light. Topical medications include glucorticoids, vitamin D derivatives, immunomodulators, and retinoids. Oral systemic medications such as glucocorticoids, oral retinoids, and oral immunosuppressants are used as well, but require bloodwork and close monitoring due to more serious potential side effects. Biologic medications are injected at specific weekly or monthly intervals and also require bloodwork and close monitoring due to more serious potential side effects. Sometimes a combination of therapies may be used.

Here at Florida Skin Center, we offer all choices of treatment outlined above, but will tailor the treatment based on age of the patient, site and extent of involvement, associated medical disorders, and previous therapies. Please ask a provider about treatment options.

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