Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Milia versus Whiteheads

We notice these tiny whitish bumps that spring up around our eyes and cheeks, but when we try to extract them, nothing comes out! Chances are you have a condition known as milia. Milia are small, pearly white to yellowish cysts composed of a protein called keratin. Located just beneath the skin’s surface, these tiny firm bumps can be caused by pore-clogging moisturizers (such as those containing petroleum and mineral oil) and/or genetics. You may be asking, “Can I remove these on my own?”Unfortunately, the answer is no. Because milia do not have an opening at the surface of the skin, as found with blackheads, they can’t be easily squeezed out. Removal requires that a dermatologist or aesthetician use a lancet or cautery to create an opening in the skin in order to extract the keratin. No acne spot treatment in the world will be able to remove these cysts, which can remain on your skin for years (with the same size and shape), sometimes disappearing on their own. We recommend that you do not try extracting these cysts yourself; otherwise you run the risk of scarring, skin damage and infection.

Can milia be prevented?

Yes. Once removed, you can prevent milia from returning by using a topical retinol/retinoid (rx) cream daily. These creams have exfoliating properties that turn over dead cells, keeping your skin smooth and your pores clear. You can also try a series of chemical peels with our aesthetician, which help shed off dead skin cells as well. Next month we have a chemical peel event in our Cape Coral location. Sign up today and experience what chemical peels can do for your skin!


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