Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Supplements Used in Dermatology

Supplements Used in Dermatology
With so many different supplements and vitamins on the market today promoting hair growth and beautiful skin, it can be hard to tell what works and what doesn’t.  We often get asked by our patients, what over the counter treatments are best to use in conjunction with in office treatments.  Below are a few supplements and vitamins we recommend for our patients.
Supplement for Hair Loss and Brittle Nails
HLCC Scripts Complete Vitamins: These vitamins work in several ways to effectively treat hair loss. First, they contain saw palmetto berry extract, which have been shown to inhibit DHT, a hormone which attacks hair and causes hair loss in men and women. DHT binds to hair follicles and shrinks the hair. The DHT inhibitors in the vitamins stop the DHT from binding to the hair follicles, resulting in a normal hair growth cycle. With less DHT binding to hair, hair has the chance to grow bigger and stronger. These vitamins contain more DHT blocking saw palmetto berry than any other product on the market. Second,  the vitamins contain a combination of other potent DHT fighters including green tea and pygeum bark. Third, this product contains marine concentrate which has been shown in eight European studies to stop loss and regrow hair. Due to the presence of the marine concentrate, people with shellfish allergies should not use this product. Fourth, the vitamins contain grape seed extract to increase blood flow. Last, the vitamins contain all the essential vitamins and minerals for hair health, including biotin, folate, panthothenic acid, sulfur, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, and manganese.   For more information on these vitamins please feel free to contact our office.
Supplement for Warts
50 mg of Oral Zinc Sulfate:    Zinc sulfate has a profound effect on the immune system and recent studies have shown that it helps the body fight off the wart virus.  This effect is enhanced when done in combination with in office liquid nitrogen therapy, cantharidin therapy and laser therapy.  Zinc should be taken with food, as it may upset your stomach.  For smaller children, it is okay to break open the capsules and mix in with drinks or foods such as applesauce.
Supplement for Bruising
Arnica Montana: Arnica is a flowering plant from Europe that has been used in herbal medicine.  The chemicals in Arnica help reduce bruising and decrease swelling after procedures or surgery.  This supplement can be taken prior to a surgical or cosmetic procedure to minimize downtime and bruising.

Please keep in mind that before starting any supplement it is always best to consult your medical provider first.

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