Monday, November 22, 2010

Spider Veins on the Face

Facial Telangectasias or facial spider veins are a common complaint we see in the office. Patients often ask us how broken blood vessels can be treated and what they are caused from.  Telangectasias are superficial blood vessels that become dilated.  They are often associated with rosacea, but can also be caused from chronic sun exposure, genetics, systemic diseases, medications and in some cases the cause is unknown.                                                                                                                                         

The gold standard for treatment for these broken blood vessels is laser therapy.  Here at FSC, we use the Candela V Beam Laser to treat this condition. Dr. Badia has been using this laser therapy to treat patients for the last eight years.  This laser produces an intense, but gentle burst of light that selectively destroys the blood vessels of your spider veins, without damaging the surrounding tissue. After laser treatment, the surrounding tissue is left intact. Most patients will require more than one treatment to get the most benefit from this therapy, but patients will see improvements with each treatment. Side effects are minimal, but some patients could get bruising from the treatment that generally lasts five days. To minimize the side effect of bruising for patients, Dr. Badia does recommend a supplement called arnica.  You no longer have to live with embarrassing spider veins. Please ask Dr.Badia or any of her staff for more information about this exciting treatment. 

Hope to see you soon.  Don't forget about our Botox and Filler workshop on Dec 4.

Florida Skin Center

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