Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Seborrheic Keratoses

What are seborrheic keratoses?

Seborrheic keratoses are benign skin growths that can be brown, tan, or skin-toned in color. They often have a warty rough appearance to them. They are also described as being "stuck-on". Many people come in to be evaluated for these lesions because they can be dark and irregular-appearing. However, seborrheic keratoses are completely benign and do not have the potential to turn into skin cancers. They are also not contagious. These lesions tend to occur as we get older. Some people have just a few, while some people have many. Seborrheic keratoses can also vary in size, from very small to very large. If one of these seborrheic keratoses becomes irritated, a simple treatment with liquid nitrogen (a cold spray) can be applied to the lesion to make it fall off.


  1. Is removal of keratosis covered by insurance?

    1. If a seborrheic keratosis is inflamed/irritated, some insurances do cover the liquid nitrogen treatment.
