Florida Skin Center is a dermatology office located in Cape Coral, Lehigh Acres, and Fort Myers, FL. We treat adults and children of all ages for all skin, hair, nail, and cosmetic concerns.
We are excited to keep you up to date on everything that is going on with our office!
With the countdown to the New Year only a few days away, many of us are scrambling to find just the right outfit and accessories to ring in the New Year in style. Now what if we told you that you could also give your skin that radiant glow in time for the big party with no downtime?
It’s simple. It’s time to get illuminated.
The Illuminized Peel is specifically designed to maximize skin rejuvenating effects with little to no skin irritation, a chemical peel without the hassle of peeling. To get more information on our latest promotion for this great peel please give us a call. The new year is also a great time for a fresh start. So why not do a little something for yourself, the gift of Botox Cosmetic. Botox treatments are a great way to get rid of unwanted fine lines and wrinkles with minimal downtime. During the month of January, when you purchase two zones of Botox you may qualify for a third zone for free. For more information please call or visit our website at floridaskincenter.com
The dreaded molluscum contagiosum, in our office this diagnosis is all too common.
Molluscums are tiny little bumps on the skin caused by a pox virus called molluscum contagiosum virus. Because it’s a virus, the bumps spread very easily. They eventually disappear on their own, but that can take a year or two.Because they are a pox virus they often times will leave little divots on the skin similar to a chicken pox scar.
In children who have skin conditions such as eczema, these bumps spread even more easily. And there is a stigma that goes along with having them since they are contagious.
Often times, parents are at a crossroads with how to deal with these pesky little bumps. Many pediatricians recommend not treating these lesions if your child has just a few.However, if your child has lots of them, if they are in visible areas, if your child has eczema or if they are spreading you can see a pediatric dermatologist for easy, painless treatment.
We have a variety of treatment options available for our patients with Molluscum ranging from topical medications to in office treatments. If you have any questions please give us a call.
We are happy to say that our Grab a Gobbler event yesterday was a huge success.Florida Skin Center gave away over 50 turkeys in just 20 minutes.In total, FSC gave away over 100 turkeys to those in need this holiday season in Lee County.
The good news doesn't end there.
A great big round of applause for Dr. Badia and our staff for winning the Business of the Year award last night at the 12th Annual Hispanic Achievement Awards.It is quite an honor and we are very proud.Dr. Badia was among eight individuals honored Monday night in several categories for her strong work ethic and contributions to the Hispanic community. This is a great achievement for Florida Skin Center. To learn more about this event and see great photos from Monday night please visit: http://m.news-press.com/topnews/article?a=2011311150020&f=1968
We hope to see you soon and wish you a great holiday season.
With the holiday season looming closer, it is a great time to reflect back and give thanks. We at Florida Skin Center want to take time to thank all of our patients and families that continue to come to us for your skin care needs. Without our wonderful patients, Florida Skin Center would not be what it is today.
With the idea of giving thanks in mind, Florida Skin Center is proud to announce that our annual Grab A Gobbler event is right around the corner.Each year, FSC gives out over a 100 turkeys to those less fortunate during the holiday season.It is an event that all our staff loves to participate in.We are even more touched this year, because our patients have also reached out to help donate for this great cause.
Wish there was something easy you could do to help others or a way to give back to your community?Well we have something in mind.Stop by our office on Tuesday Oct 25th and give blood.The big red bus will be in our parking lot from 9am-4am.Did you know that by donating just a pint of blood you could save up to 3 lives?
Here are some common facts about blood needs from the American Red Cross.
Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
·More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day.
·A total of 30 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S. (2006).
·The average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 pints.
·The blood type most often requested by hospitals is Type O.
·The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs.
·More than 1 million new people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment.
·A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood.
So if you are in the area on this day or coming to the office for your visit please stop by and give blood.It’s a great way to give back.
With summer coming to an end, we find ourselves getting back to “the grind” of getting our kids to and from school and practices, while our work schedules become busier and busier.It is around this time, where we tend to take less care of ourselves, as we focus more on our family and careers.As an office full of moms, we understand the importance of time.When researching skin care products and lines for the office, we not only took into consideration how effective a product was, but also wanted products that were easy to use and had more than one purpose.Let’s face it, who has time to apply on 4 or 5 different creams as part of their daily regimen?
A must have skin care product we recommend is the SkinMedica TNS Recovery Complex.This is a great all in one product.This product has a combination of growth factors that are clinically proven to enhance skin tone and texture, improve wrinkles and elasticity.It also helps for fine lines, wrinkles, and overall tone and texture of skin.It strengthens the skin’s natural ability to regenerate itself and improves the appearance of age spots and improves firmness and resiliency of the skin.
For those of us on a budget, skin care regimens don’t have to be costly. The most important product you should be using is fairly inexpensive: Sunscreen.Many believe that sunscreen only needs to be worn if we are out for a day at the beach.However daily sunscreen use not only protects us from sun damage, but helps prevent sun spots, wrinkling and photodamage.We have a great variety of sunscreens here at the office, which includes sunscreen gels, sunscreen wipes and sunscreen lotions and creams.
This is just a small sample of products we carry here at the office. Please visit our website at www.floridaskincenter.com or speak to one of our providers so we may design a skin care regimen just for you.
At Florida Skin Center, we are always looking for ways to give back to our community.As an office full of women, an organization we hold close to our heart is the American Cancer Associations: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Event. It is an event that we participate in each year as well as help raise money for.
The theme for this year’s event is Put on your Pink Bra. The next time you are in the office, notice the pink hearts on the wall. These are donations we have collected for this amazing cause.
A majority of us in our lifetime will be affected by cancer. Below are some recent statistics on Breast Cancer.
About 1 in 8 women in the United States (12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer.
Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1990, with larger decreases in women younger than 50. These decreases are believed to be the result of earlier detection through screening and increased awareness, as well as improved treatment
Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among U.S. women. More than 1 in 4 cancers in women (about 28%) are breast cancer.
(These statistics were taken from the ACA and CDC)
As women we must take care of our health. Skin cancer screens and mammograms are a MUST for all women.
We get a lot of questions in our office from patients about laser tattoo removal. So in today’s blog we wanted to answer the FAQs we receive from our patients.
How does Laser Tattoo Removal work? Lasers break up the ink in a tattoo so our own body can absorb it and get rid of it naturally.
What are some common factors that affect laser tattoo removal? The coloring in your tattoo determines how many treatments you will need. Black, red, and dark blue colors absorb laser light much easier then tattoos with green, light blue and brown colors. Since colors respond to laser therapy differently, Dr. Badia and her staff use one type of laser for easy to remove colors like black and red and another laser specifically for colors that are more difficult to remove such as green.
Both laser treatments can be done on the same day. This makes tattoo removal more effective so fewer treatments are needed to remove the tattoo.
The depth and type of ink used in the tattoo can also determine how many treatments will be required. A tattoo that is covered by another tattoo has more ink and depth in the skin and will require more treatments. Professional tattoos run deeper in the skin than amateur tattoos.
How painful are laser removal treatments? Laser tattoo removal has been described as a rubber band snapping feel. However, to minimize discomfort topical numbing can be applied to the tattoo as well as lidocaine injections.
How many and how much do treatments cost? As mentioned earlier since there are many factors that play a role in determining how successful tattoo removal will be we recommend coming in to see one of our providers to get a quote for the cost of treatment.
How successful are treatments? Please take a look below at a few of our patients before and after photos.
Dr. Badia and her staff have been very excited this week because Florida Skin Center just turned ten years old! Over the past decade, Dr. Badia and her staff have been providing our community with great dermatology care. When Dr. Badia first opened the doors to Florida Skin Center, she wanted to provide her patients with the most up to date dermatology care with a great friendly staff. And she has done just that.
With each passing year, Dr. Badia has added to her practice, treatments and procedures that she believes in so her patients can have all their dermatology needs taken care of at one place. These treatments include: Light therapy, Mohs Services, Full Aesthetic services, and Lasers therapy just to name a few. In addition, we are the only practice in the area that sees kids. And many of our patients make a trip to Florida Skin Center a “family affair”.
Dr. Badia and her staff at FSC also believe in giving back to the community as well. You can see her and her staff volunteering at various organizations throughout the community. Just recently, we were involved in Viva Cape Coral and at speaking engagements to educate the community at City of Fort Myers and local elementary schools. In fact, Dr. Badia was recognized locally by the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board as Volunteer of the Year in 2008. A distinction that is rare for many busy physicians.
All in all, Florida Skin Center has had a great 10 years and looks forward to what the future holds. We hope to see you soon.
Unfortunately for many women and some men, unwanted facial hair is a common problem. It is even more unfortunate for those of us with ethnic skin because not only do we have to deal with unwanted hair, we also have to deal with the dark marks and scarring it can leave behind. This young female came to our office for just that concern: unwanted facial hair. We treated this patient with four laser hair removal treatments. As you can see from the above picture, the laser hair removal treatment not only helped her facial hair, but it also minimized her discoloration and scarring.
Beware however. Not all lasers are created equal. The laser we used for this patient was one specific for ethnic skin. If you are shopping around for laser hair removal treatments be sure to ask who will be performing the treatment, what type of laser is being used and the side effects involved. If you have any questions about laser hair removal treatments for any skin type please feel free to give us a call.
As a patient of Florida Skin Center, you not only get excellent dermatology care, but you become part of a practice that believes in giving back.Dr. Badia and her staff at Florida Skin Center believe strongly in giving back to our community.Throughout the year, you can see Dr. Badia and her staff involved in various projects and community events. In fact, Florida Skin Center has a volunteer committee which is made up of dedicated staff members that find projects and collect donations throughout the year to help those less fortunate in the community.
We annually work with March of Dimes, which is a national organization that helps raise money and awareness for preventing premature babies, and most recently attended their March of Dimes Walk.We also are involved in Adopt a Highway, Edison Junior Parade and the Hispanic Chamber of Fort Myers.Each year we hold our Grab a Gobbler event where we give out over a 100 turkeys to needy families.
Dr. Badia is involved in an organization called Girls Going Places.This is an organization that educates young women about the financial and entrepreneurial opportunities available to them in the community.Dr Badia also goes to local elementary schools once a month to educate our youth about the importance of protecting their skin from the sun.
The event that we hold most dear to our hearts is an annual event called Children’s Day: Dermatology from the Heart.Dr. Badia thought what better way to give back to her community than to use her expertise in dermatology for those who need it most.On Children’s Day, Dr. Badia and her providers give free pediatric skin exams from 9am-3pm free of charge. This year’s Children Day event will be held on June 18th.The event is open to any child, because it is never too early to have your child’s skin evaluated by a dermatologist, especially for those of us growing up in Florida. For more details about this event please go to http://floridaskincenter.com/default.asp .
These are just a few of the events we are involved in throughout the year.Please visit our website to get updated on our newest project or event.
Summer is almost here. That means it's time to hit the beach, breakout the barbeque and most importantly slather on that sunscreen. With summer closely approaching us, it is important to protect our skin from the sun. How much do you really know about protecting your skin from the damaging affects of the sun?
Let’s put it to the test. Take this quiz and see how you do.
1. The best way to protect your skin if you have to be outside on a sunny day is to:
a. Wear an SPF 15 sunscreen (or greater) and re-apply every two hours
b. Wear a hat
c. Wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants
d. Wear sunglasses e. All of the above
The answer is E. It is extremely important that sunscreen gets reapplied every 2 hours. If you have to be out in the sun, seek shade periodically, wear a wide-brimmed hat to help protect your face, and cover up with a lightweight long-sleeved shirt or pants. Strong sunlight can also damage your eyes and the tender skin around them. Choose sunglasses that block at least 99 percent of ultraviolet radiation, and that protect against both UVA and UVB rays.
2. If I only get a sunburn once or twice a year, I don't need to worry about skin cancer.
True. Getting as little as 1-3 bad sunburns as a child increases your risk of getting a skin cancer in adulthood.
3. The safest way to get a good tan is:
a. Slowly, using an SPF 30 sunscreen and avoiding midday sun
b. Laying out for 30 minutes before applying sunscreen
c. A tanning booth d. There is no risk-free way to get a tan
Answer is D. There is no such thing as a safe tan.Going to tanning beds as little as once a month can increase your risk of skin cancer by 50%.It is always important to wear sunscreen whenever going outside especially here in Florida. Sunscreen should be applied at least 30 minutes before sun exposure.
4. A good application of sunscreen will last all day.
False. Sunscreen gets broken down in the sun and needs to be reapplied every two hours for maximum effectiveness
5. Which provides more protection from the sun?
a. A dark colored tee shirt
b. SPF 15 sunscreen
c. A white T-shirt
d. A wet T-shirt
Answer is A. Tightly woven, darker-colored fabrics provide more protection than sunscreen or a T-shirt. Most T-shirts, in fact, provide only about the equivalent of SPF 4 protection, and even less than that if they are wet.
6. At what age can I start putting sunscreen on my child?
a. 1 month b. 6 months
c. 1 year
d. 5 years
Answer B. Because of the chemicals used in sunscreen lotions, most dermatologists recommend not using sunscreen on babies younger than six months old. Instead, keep your baby in the shade and use protective clothing and hats.
7. When should sunscreen be applied?
a. Right before you go outside
b. After you get your beach towel laid out and find an attractive person to do the honor
c. 30 minutes before you go outside d. An hour after you've been out, depending on your skin type
Answer is C. For maximum protection, sunscreens should be applied 30 minutes before exposure so that the chemicals in the lotion have a chance to absorb into your skin. Sunscreen works by interacting with the skin to absorb, reflect or scatter the sun's UV rays.
So how did you score? May is National Melanoma Month. If you have not had your annual skin check now is a great time. And remember, it's never too early to get your kids checked as well.
Summer is just around the corner and we all know what that means: swimsuit season.So why not avoid the hassles of daily shaving and finally do laser hair removal treatments.
Laser hair removal can remove unwanted facial and body hair. A gentle beam of light passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where it is absorbed. The laser energy works to disable the follicle leaving the surrounding skin unchanged. Additionally, the surrounding skin is cooled by a cool spray onto the top layers of skin during the procedure. This selectively protects the skin, while effectively eliminating unwanted hair. Treatments are quick, easy and relatively painless.
So why hassle with unsightly razor bumps and skin irritation.Please go to www.floridaskincenter.com to find more information on laser hair removal and info on our latest promotion on this great treatment.
Over the years, our skin becomes damaged by unavoidable exposure to sun, air pollution, stress, fatigue and even lifestyle choices such as smoking. All of these stressors can take a toil on our skin causing it to age prematurely.
But who says we can't age gracefully.
The Fraxel laser three step system is a revolutionary way to reverse these signs of aging.
nThe Fraxel laser three step system is a revolutionary way to reverse these signs of aging. Our three step fraxel system involves a deep chemical peel, a fraxel laser treatment and at home skinceutical called TNS recovery complex.
What are the benefits of this treatment system?
It improves texture tone and pore size
nRemoves brown spots
nIt smoothes wrinkles around the eyes
nIt helps with acne scarring
nIt rejuvenates skin on face and neck
But don't just take our word for it. Come see for yourself and join us at our Fraxel Workshop on April 2, 2011 at noon. You can see actual patients having the procedure done as well as a chance to win some great giveaways. This event is free.
For more information please contact our office at 239-561-3376.
Molluscum Contagiosum are smooth, pearly, flesh-colored skin growths. They begin as small bumps and may grow as large as a pencil eraser. Usually, molluscums are found on the face and body.
Molluscum Contagiosum. This diagnosis can be very frustrating for many parents. The tiny little bumps that spread like wildfire. If you have ever had a child with molluscum you know exactly what we are talking about. The growths are caused by a pox virus; many of them have a central pit where the virus bodies live. Molluscum can be itchy and the skin around the growths may become infected. Although the bumps would go away on their own in two years, because they are a pox virus they can leave a pitted scar similar to a chicken pox scar if left untreated. At Florida Skin Center, we have many different treatment options for patients with Molluscum Contagiosum including chemical treatments, liquid nitrogen treatments, and topical prescription medications. The two most common in office treatments are canthacur and liquid nitrogen.
Canthacur, a blistering agent made from beetles, is applied with a wooden applicator to the skin growth. The medicine is then washed off in 4 to 6 minutes. A small blister usually forms within a few hours to one day. With each treatment, the molluscum gets smaller and smaller until they eventually resolve. This treatment is useful because the application is not painful... Occasionally no blistering occurs, but sometimes, children are quite sensitive and extensive blistering is seen. Scarring does not occur from Canthacur treatment. Although the blisters are uncomfortable, they are very superficial and resolve within a few days.
Liquid Nitrogen: Freezing the growths with liquid nitrogen is another form of treatment. Applied with a cotton-tipped applicator, the liquid nitrogen causes the affected area to feel hot for a moment, and then a blister or irritation may form at the site.
Dr. Badia and her providers highly recommend that children with molluscum contagiosum get treatment because of the high risk of spreading the virus to other children and themselves and also because of the risk of scarring. Dr. Badia and her providers are one of the only practices in the area to offer these treatments for children.
The March of Dimes is a wonderful organization that we hold near and dear to our heart at Florida Skin Center. The mission of March of Dimes is to help moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of babies. Every year we raise money towards this great cause and show our support by walking at the March of Dimes annual parade. This year we need your help. We will be donating $1 dollar for every new fan of our Florida Skin Center page on facebook from now until the end of February. It’s easy to become a fan, just click the following link www.facebook.com/pages/Florida-Skin-Center/100486426663199 and click on the button.
This photo is us at a past March of Dimes event
Thank you for helping us donate to a wonderful cause. To learn more about the March of Dimes you can go to their website at www.marchofdimes.com/mission/mission.html.
Many of us only know Dr. Badia as a dermatologist, but we are also proud to say that she has the title of author under her belt as well. Recently, Dr. Badia contributed her expertise for a book on Anti-Aging Medicine called Health Practitioner’s Guide to Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine.
For this book, Dr. Badia contributed a chapter on how to assess skin aging as well as therapeutic treatments. Dr. Badia discusses the genetic and external factors that cause our skin to age as well as various treatment options available to patients to stop or reduce skin aging including cosmetic fillers, Botox, chemical peels and phototherapy. Dr. Badia is also pursuing certification in Anti-Aging Medicine.
Many of you may be wondering what a full body skin exam involves or if you even need one. Well here are the facts. More than 1 million newly diagnosed skin cancers will be detected this year through annual skin exams. In fact, recent estimates show that 1 in 5 Americans will be diagnosed with a skin cancer during their lifetime. Basal cell and Squamous cell skin cancers are the most common and are often easily treated if detected early. Malignant melanomas, the more dangerous type of skin cancers, are also on the rise and estimates show that close to 1 out of every 60 people will be affected with this type of skin cancer.
Who Should Have a Full Body Skin Exam?
If you have a history of skin cancer, we recommend full body skin exams every six months. Individuals with a prior history of skin cancer are at increased risk for developing another skin cancer later in life.
History of a severe sunburn or blistering sunburns in the past.
Red hair, blue eyes and freckled individuals.
Family History of Melanoma. Anyone with a first degree family member (mom, dad, brother, sister) who was diagnosed with melanoma should have their skin checked annually.
Anyone with an occupation that involves being outdoors, especially living here in Florida.
A history of precancerous lesions/ irregular moles such as actinic keratoses or dysplastic nevi.
History of using tanning beds or sunbathing.
Hobbies that involve being outdoors: golfing, swimming, boating, tennis.
An individual with many moles and or freckles.
Should Children Have Full Body Skin Exams?
If your child has any of the risk factors stated above such as a family member with melanoma or a history of using tanning beds or a severe sunburn, he or she should have their skin checked no matter their age. Unfortunately, malignant melanomas and atypical moles can affect anyone of any age. If you have a concern about a mole or freckle on your child, please make sure he or she gets checked by a dermatologist.
What is Involved in a Full Body Skin Exam?
For a full body skin exam, you will be asked to change into a gown. Dr. Badia or Shirisha will exam the skin of your face, ears, neck, chest, scalp, back, arms, legs, feet and even between the toes for any unusual or suspicious lesions. If any lesion needs to be checked or biopsied, it can be done on the same visit. In addition, a full body skin exam can be done on any of your follow up visit.